Postal Marketing
Direct mail is still a critical marketing component for many of our clients. Our high effective mailing lists and support services allows our clients to reach the mailbox of those that intended to reach and eliminate waste from undeliverable addresses. Our entire database has first name, last name, email and postal address for each record.
CONTACT USCASS Certification and NCOA
We rigorously process our postal data to ensure the freshness, standardization, and deliverability for each record. We ensure that each record is CASS Certified and NCOA’d to ensure we have a fully deliverable database. In addition we also add the Zip+4 to every recognized address to ensure deliverability and ability to track with ease.

Postal Records
We rigorously process our postal data to ensure the freshness and deliverability of each record to include:
- CASS Certification – clean and standardize U.S. postal addresses and maintain a fully deliverable database.
- NCOA – identify change of address information to reduce undeliverable mail.
- Zip+4 coding - add the ZIP+4 to every recognized address to ensure delivery.
- Track results with easeadvertising has a 60% higher CTR.