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Frequently Asked QuestionsFAQ

  • Children who benefit the most from therapy are those whose mental health is getting in the way of their day-to-day functioning. This may include children who are experiencing excessive worry, sad feelings, or lowered self-esteem. Children may also benefit from therapy after major life transitions, such as parental divorce, moving to a new city/home, traumatic/scary events, or the loss of a loved one. Additionally, parents often refer their child to therapy after noticing drastic changes in their “normal” presentation. This may include more frequent or more intense tantrums, developing rigid routines, school refusal, or changes in their social interactions.

  • Adolescent therapy, or teen therapy, adapts therapeutic interventions tailored to your teenagers specific developmental stage. Teen therapy is similar to traditional talk therapy, but also incorporates other modalities to meet your teenagers needs and to assist them with typical teen issues. This can include increasing independence, exploring their identity, navigating peer dynamics, or managing stress.

  • There is no set amount of time that parent coaching lasts. The amount of time that parent coaching will take depends on your goals and your specific challenges. Short term parent coaching may be 6-8 sessions, while long term parent coaching may be 12-18 weeks.