Always Innovating
Our clients’ needs are constantly changing, so we continually seek new and better ways to serve them.

New Ventures
We’ve created a global platform to bring bleeding-edge ideas, solutions, and services to our clients.

Knowledge Network
Naslaan Knowledge Network with locations in New York, London, Moscow, Berlin, Frankfurt, Hong Kong and Tokyo.

New Solutions
Today’s winning organizations need a combination of strategic insight, domain expertise, data, and technology.

Global Institute
Our mission is to help leaders in the public sector develop a deeper understanding of the evolution of the global economy.

Naslaan Quarterly
Our flagship business publication, Naslaan Quarterly, has been defining and informing the senior-management agenda since 1961.

Design Thinking
Our designers and experts work with clients to create groundbreaking products, services and experiences.

Naslaan in Africa
With a focus on hiring locally and an outreach to African universities, Naslaan works to develop the next generation of leaders.

Scaling Up Analytics
The team comprises more than 200 experts, including analysts, data scientists, and data architects.
Working Together to Deliver Value to Your Business
Naslaan’s professional services include audit and assurance, tax and consulting that cover such areas as cybersecurity and privacy, human resources, deals and forensics. We help resolve complex issues and identify opportunities across these industries.
Our consultants include medical doctors, engineers, business managers, civil servants, entrepreneurs, and research scientists. They join Naslaan for the opportunity to apply their talents to complex, important challenges. Their diversity of background, gender, nationality, and outlook ensures our clients receive a singular balance of deep and broad expertise.
Meet The Team
Working Together to Deliver Value to Your Business
Our purpose is to build trust in society. It defines we seek to make in the world it's why we do what we do.
[lpd_vc_bulleted_list color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.7)” line_height=”40″ icon=”check” icon_color=”#ffffff” css=”.vc_custom_1515325662115{margin-bottom: 35px !important;}”]Analytics guide company’s growth strategySalesforce integration generates M&A success
Increased sales rroductivity frees selling time
We study markets and emerging best practices[/lpd_vc_bulleted_list]