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Learn more about the Teen Influence Awards and the team the brings it to life.

About Us
Welcome To The Teen Influence Awards!
This awards program is dedicated to celebrating the achievements of Influencers & Online Video Creators who have contributed the most original, moving, popular and impactful content to their fields this year.
Our aim is to elevate the work of Gen Z, in the ongoing quest to bring the media landscape kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
In a world brimming with content - most of it cliched and lackluster - they are showing how it’s done. Now it’s time to recognize them, and showcase their content to the world.
About Us
The Awards
The ethos of influencer culture is one of authenticity, backed up by passion and real-world knowledge. This space is diverse and no subject is off limits and no technology untested.
Accordingly, the awards span various categories, covering specific subjects (Gaming, Fashion) as well as platforms (Tiktok, YouTube).
Perhaps more important than the awards themselves is the chance for participants to sample and share with creators in other areas.
It’s good to know your niche, but it’s also good to get outside it from time to time. An industry-wide event is a chance to connect with fellow creators, butt heads, and take back what you’ve learned at the end of the day.

What The Top Influencers Have To Say
"The top award to receive if you are a big social influencer!"

Jennifer Aster
Influencer"Looking forward to seeing who takes 2023 Influencer Of The Year Award! Should be a close race this year."

Daniel Zedda
Influencer"Fitness influencers will be huge this year! Teen Influencer Awards will be crowning someone this year and I'm looking forward to it!"

Michel Groshvin
InfluencerLooking to enter someone for a category?
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We look forward to hearing from you and the social influence impact you have made!

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