Go Chemless Asthma news: Did you know that the swimming pool your children are splashing around in can actually be bad for their health? If your child suffers from asthma, you may want to think twice about letting them go in the pool. Research has shown that children who are exposed to chlorinated and saltwater swimming pools – even open- air pools – have a higher risk of developing asthma. But children aren’t the only ones at risk. A recent study reported in the European Respiratory Journal (ERJ) shows that chlorine also contributes to asthma attacks in adolescents and adults.

 But this doesn’t necessarily mean your family’s pool needs to grow cobwebs. There is a solution that your entire family can choose – one that will not only make your swimming pool safer, but can actually improve your health! Want to know what it is? Our Go Chemless System! Using natural copper and silver ions, our bio sanitizing system will actually keep your pool cleaner AND will improve your skin and hair each time you go for a swim! Sound too good to be true? We assure you, it’s not.  Now, there are some important fundamental questions you must ask yourself regarding you and your family’s health and safety:

1) Is there anyone in the household suffering from asthma or showing symptoms of asthma?

2) Has the house been tested, inside and out, for gaseous, solid, and liquid forms of chemicals that may affect asthma sufferers?

3)  What precautionary measures have you taken to ensure the safety of yourself and your loved one?

If you need help with any of these assessments, it would be quite prudent to contact a Go Chemless service representative today!