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Dedication and Everlasting Love to Animals
(D.E.L.T.A. Rescue) is the largest “No-Kill, Care-For-Life”
animal sanctuary of it’s kind in the world. |
In 2004, D.E.L.T.A. Rescue created a fully operating Physical Therapy Unit.
Our Physical Therapy unit provides deep tissue ultrasounds, electro-stimulation therapy, hydrotherapy, and a widespread assortments of treatments for all skeletal and muscular diseases and disorders.
Prolong life in a fulfilling way.
Our animals live out the rest of their lives together, no matter what. "We treat all diseases including hearts, kidneys and cancer with cutting edge technology", Leo Grillo. Our animals receive food, shelter, medical attention... and love thanks to gifts from people like you.
Please help us rescue dogs and cats from the wilderness and provide them sanctuary